35 Children’s Books That Teach Empathy and Kindness


Empathy is the ability to understand and experience the feelings of others, and to respond in helpful ways. Nowadays, parents are very concerned about raising their children with one of the most important life skill, which is empathy. 

Empathy isn’t an inborn trait, but during early childhood is the easiest to learn. However, it may be difficult to explain empathy to a child. Reading and learning through books with your child can make to understand it much easier. Reading stories are enjoyable on their own, but they can also increase our sensitivity to others. It can help us and our children to become more empathetic.

You can find countless children’s books on the store shelves about friendship, kindness, compassion, and acceptance. Here are my favorites that feature messages of empathy and kindness.


Last Stop On Market


picture of the book with purchase linkThis book is about a boy and his grandma traveling on a bus as they witness the beauty, kindness, and joy together.


Those Shoes

picture of the book with purchase linkThis book tells the story of selflessness and generosity in a kid's eye view. 

You, Me and Empathy

image of the book with purchase linkEmpathy is a learned trait and one to nurture in all children. This book helps to develop the skill of empathy. 

Most People

image of the book with purchase link This book can remind the kids that there are many scary images and events in this world, although there are lots of good things as well.

The Invisible Boy

image of the book with purchase linkIt’s common to feel being invisible, but this book highlights how friendship and inclusion can be powerful.

Come With Me

image of the book with purchase linkThis story is about a little girl who quests to make the world a better place.

All Are Welcome

image of the book with purchase linkThis story shows the different cultures around the world and educates children about various traditions and customs.

Little Blue Truck

image of the book with purchase link This book is all about friendship and the beauty of helping each other. 

Be Kind

image of the book with purchase link This story follows a mother’s advice, “be kind” to each other and helps to learn what compassion in action looks like.

Save Me A Seat

image of the book with purchase linkThe main characters, Joe and Ravi came from a different background, but they find out they have more in common than they thought, and they also learn about friendship based on understanding and acceptance.

Chocolate Milk, Por Favor! Celebrating Diversity With Empathy

image fo the book with purchase linkChocolate milk becomes a symbol of the story to tell a boy’s friendship with his new classmate, who doesn’t speak English. 

If You Plant a Seed

image of the book with purchase link In this story, there is a bond between a rabbit and a mouse to show how powerful thoughtfulness can be. 


image of the book with purchase linkThis book uses different colors to show a powerful message about empathy, bullying, feelings, and much more. 

We’re All Wonders

image of the book with purchase linkIn this story, the book’s main character, Auggie shares his desire for acceptance.

I Am Enough

image of the book with purchase linkThe story tells a story about how to accept yourself and others. 

Enemy Pie

image of the book with purchase linkThis book has a beautiful message about how we should treat our enemies in the right way of kindness.


image of the book with purchase linkmIn this book, we can learn that all of us are different, and also the fact that each one of us is lovely.

A Sick Day for Amos McGee

image of the book with purchase linkIn this story, you can learn the value of selflessness and care for each other. 

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

image of the book with purchase linkIn this story, you can fill a bucket with kindness and love, and you also can find happiness during the process. 

Each Kindness

image of the book with purchase linkeThis story has an anti-bullying message, and it highlights the power of the smallest actions. 

I Am Human

image of the book with purchase linkThis book shares a message about accepting and understanding our imperfections, and it teaches us how to love ourselves. 

Superheroes Club

image of the book with purchase linkIn this story, you can find different amazing ways about how to help others and about how to show kindness, which can be the best superpower. 

I Walk With Vanessa

image of the book with purchase linkIn this book, you can see small acts of kindness that inspire the whole community and make a huge difference.

The Monster Who Lost His Mean

image of the book with purchase linkJust like the title says, this story shows that it’s never too late to change and to learn kindness and empathy. 

The Rabbit Listened

image of the book with purchase linkIn this story, you can learn that others can offer comfort, even just by listening, when things go wrong.

Otis And The Scarecrow

image of the book with purchase linkThis book has a message about standing up for other people and about how to show compassion.

Lost And Found Cat

image of the book with purchase linkThis book is based on a true story, and it focuses on the beauty of how one stranger can help another stranger.

Hey, Little Ant

image of the book with purchase linkThe story focuses on how to consider our feelings for others. 

How Kind!

image of the book with purchase linkGiving and receiving are the main focuses of this story of kindness. 

Pass It On

image of the book with purchase linkThis book is about sharing our positivity in our everyday life.... 

Listening With My Heart

image of the book with purchase linkThe center of this story is self-compassion and love, which help to foster empathy and kindness.

The Story of Ferdinand

image of the book with purchase linkIt’s a sweet story about a bull who would rather smell flowers than to fight. 

Empathy Is My Superpower

image of the book with purchase linkThe main character of the story, together with her parents’ guidance, learns to recognize emotions in other people and also discovers the power of compassion. 

Just Feel

image of the book with purchase linkThis book helps the children learn to understand and navigate their own emotions.

Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler

image of the book with purchase linkThis is a story about a kindergarten class that discovers the value of being nice and doing good deeds.

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